Guten Tag, ich habe im Thread "what will happen to KDE on Suse..." Beiträge geposted und werde jetzt privat mit solchen mails belästigt. Ich bin ein weltoffener und toleranter Mensch mit Respekt vor meinen Mitmenschen und wünsche auch so behandelt zu werden. Ich denke es kann und darf in einer internationalen Liste keinen Raum für Diskriminierung geben. Nicht nur Rechtsextremismus ist Diskriminierung, sondern auch die pauschale Unterstellung desselben. Genauso wenig kann ich einen Maulkorb für die begangenen Taten meiner Ururahnen akzeptieren. Was aber noch viel wichtiger ist: Es geht hier doch um SuSE linux, oder nicht? Linux an sich ist opensource, von allen für alle, überall auf diesem Globus, und damit kann eine Firma wie SuSE es sich wohl kaum erlauben derartige Entgleisungen in ihren Foren unkommentiert zu lassen. Ich wünsche jedenfalls nicht private mails von Listenmitgliedern mit solchen Inhalten zu erhalten. Entfernen Sie bitte solche Mitglieder. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Michael Eichstädt P.S. An den Absender Radu: Es ist feige solche mails nicht über die Liste abzusetzen. Dear admin, I posted in the Thread "what will happen to KDE on Suse..". Now I receive mails on my mailadress not gone through the list. I'm a tolerant and openminded person with respect for all people and want to be treated like that. I think that in an international list like this is no room for discrimination. Not only extremism settled on Nazi-ideas is discrimination, but also the imputation of being one. In the same way I can't accept a restriction of my right of free speech because of the deeds of my grandgrandfathers. But - what is more important after all: It's all about SuSE linux here, isn't it? Linux is open source, from everybody for everybody anywhere in the world. for this reason (and many not mentioned) I think that SuSE can not permit herself to accept that lapses like that happen in their lists and leave them uncommented. As far as I am concerned I do not want to receive private mail from listmembers with that kind of content. Please unsubscribe that kind of members if they can't behave. P.S. To the sender Radu: It is a cowardly behaviour not to send this via the list. mail from Radu Pirvu to my personalmailadress: You are correct, but what you seem to forget is that your country killed many millions of people not longer than 60 years ago. So you should have the decency to keep quiet! /radu Am Donnerstag, 27. November 2003 23:29 schrieb Michael Eichstädt:
Dear Radu, did You know that the german language is the most underestimated in Europe? There are more than 200 million native speakers living in Europe. But only 70 million speaking english as their native tongue. And after all Germany is one of the top five economies in the world. Do You really think this is irrelevant? Further more SuSE is still a german company and their products are first of all for their home market. By the way, I wonder what is Your nationality? Just to cure my curiosity. greetings from my beloved homecountry Germany Michael Eichstädt
Radu Pirvu schrieb:
Germany is irrelevant.
Very competent comment! Bravo! It's just Europe's biggest economy and (one of) the most populated country but who cares? Certainly not people selling software.