* Matthew W. Sheffield (mattsheffield@yahoo.com) [020824 08:34]: ::It isn't that hard to make the QT rpms depend on installing XFree ::4.2. This is quite ridiculous. Laziness seems to be the root cause ::here. :: ::I don't have the time to download and compile QT but it looks as ::though I don't have a choice. Well..having dealt with a very unreasonable customer escalation this week at work. I can really understand why they chose not to do this..I don't like it since I'm still running 7.3 at home, but I understand it. I'm personally just going to deal for the next month+ and do a fresh install of 8.1 when it's out. My fonts aren't to my liking but they aren't absolutely unreadable. I use Mozilla as my browser anyway which has Freetype and the TT fonts directory specified directly to it..so it renders fonts very, very well. And most of my other Windows are xterms (there are a few acceptions here and there..) so I'm just going to deal. As I said..complaining directly to SuSE is the best thing..get a response from them. Maybe if enough bitch then the pkgs that need rebuilding can be done. It doesn't take a huge amount of time for SuSE to do this. They aren't hackers in someone's mothers basement :) -=Ben --=====-----=====-- mailto:ben@whack.org --=====-- Tell me what you believe..I tell you what you should see. -DP --=====-----=====--