On Friday 10 May 2002 10:22 pm, Leendert Meyer wrote:
The clock applet in kicker is AFAIK passive, i.e. it only shows time, and doesn't change it. However the time can be changed _by_the_user_ in KDE's Control Center.
Actually right clicking on the clock applet will offer you a number of options including changing the time, the time format and the type of clock. It's similar to the ms version in that respect. A problem I had was that regardless of where I changed the time, whenever the system was rebooted it was off by an hour. I set it up according to the time zone in which I live. I finally researched the issue and found that in a Linux only box (which this one is) you will achieve best results by using UMT time and not specifying a time zone. If you use a dual-boot box than the other OS usually sets the h/w clock. I changed settings in both yast2 and kde and have had good results. Ken