Am Mittwoch, 14. August 2013, 11:33:41 schrieb Robert Cunningham:
I know some of this has been covered before but I have tried their suggestions and still cannot make it work. My touch pad does not work in my main account but it will work in other accounts I have set up. I have the synaptics driver installed and it seems to work in the other accounts but not in my main one. I am currently using 12.3 with KDE 4.10.5. None of the settings in the KDE or synaptics driver seem to work in this account. This KDE account is a carry over from a previous KDE version, but I really don't want to wipe out my .kde setup files and start from scratch again. Any new suggestions?
Try to rename/delete ~/.kde4/share/config/ktouchpadenablerrc After a new login your touchpad might work again.