Are you sure that kscd has been closed? My experience is that it remains in the "system tray" and is not killed completely, only hidden. If you look in the right hand side of the panel or task bar (whatever) you may see the kscd icon. Clicking on that (if it does exist) should unhide it. Hope that helps. Eddie On Thursday 18 Sep 2003 2:36 pm, darby wrote:
I've recently upgraded to suse 8.2 and discovered that kscd won't restart after being quit with the x windows close button. The interface disappears, but the process is still alive and keeps other kscd sessions from starting. Quitting with "ctrl+q" or the button on the interface works fine. Also, this error message is repeated about 15 times when kscd is started:
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
This is using kscd 1.3.3, kde 3.1.1, and SuSE 8.2.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.