1 Jul
1 Jul
Hallo Patrick, Am Montag, 26. Juni 2006 03:06 schrieb Patrick Serru:
I am unfortunatly far from beeing a (good) shell programer. Running the script "by hand" and as root gives this:
patrick:/etc/init.d # ./gamesnd Adding sound support for games: ./gamesnd: line 24: syntax error near unexpected token `then' ./gamesnd: line 24: ` if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then'
and I dont see anything in the script like hidden caracter or whatever...
My proposal is to run this script in debug mode: Add -vx to the first line: #!/bin/sh -vx Maybe that gives more information. The if statment is in my opinon OK. Maybe $? results in a misleading value? Good luck Hugo