Alvin: El Jue 23 Jun 2005 11:16, Alvin Beach escribió:
By default, I have KDE set to to 10 pt. Do you know of any draw backs to using AA on all font sizes?
I use the Bitstream Vera fonts for my KDE interface components, especially Vera Sans at 7 pt. I have AA enabled for all font sizes. I have compiled the freetype2 library from source and have enabled the bytecode interpreter. All this is about what we as users subjectively perceive as the optimal font rendering on our monitors. Some will feel different settings as better, but for me my setting works best.
I've done some googling on this issue with the bytecode interpreter and apparently, freetype2 includes an autohinter (?). I have read claims that the autohinter is suppose to be better than the bytecode interpreter. What are your thoughts on this?
I feel that this autohinting is a workaround for those users who will not enable the bytecode interpreter because of the patent issues involved with it. As soon as I learned how to enable it, I experienced how crisp font rendering can be on a Linux desktop - very much the same experience Robert has written about in his post. -- Andreas Philipp Noema Ltda. Bogotá, D.C. - Colombia