Op zondag 06 december 2009 12:39:48 schreef Martin Schlander:
I've attached the zypper dup output I get. It tells me that kde will be downgraded, but to which version? How do I upgrade to kde-4.3.x?
Post the output of 'zypper lr -d' too, so we can see your repo configuration.
Please find it attached.
And you could use YaST for the update, to get a more human managable overview, and to easily update only the packages in KDE repos, instead of performing a risky distro-wide dup (depending on your configured repos.
OK. Thanks to all how already responded, I'm impressed by the swift reactions! But it does not seem possible to get version information, when execution 'zypper dup'?? I'll have a look at my priority settings for the different repo's, for the time being I prefer to stay at OS-11.1. -- Richard