I had to use "Manual Installation" in order to get ftp install to work - loaded my network card driver, and then entered ftp server's IP address and directory path on the ftp server. The instructions in the readme on Suse's ftp site ("linux install=ftp://...") didn't work for me unfortunately. Regards, Vadym Richard Andrews wrote:
Hi Jeff,
thanks for the suggestion, but unfortunately the IP address made no difference. Could it be that the FTP update route is only available for the actual original setup of SuSE since the error below seems to point to the absence of some Install Src record in the FTP directory.
Perhaps FTP alternative sources for updates aren't available for DVD/CD installed versions of SuSE??
For info I tried the following entries in the YaST dialog for alternative installation source...
Server name: ftp.suse.sk (as well as Directory: i386/supplementary/KDE/update_for_8.2/yast-source (with various combinations of leading trailing slashes etc.)
All ended up with the same error message :-(
On Tuesday 27 May 2003 22:01, Jeffrey Ivins wrote:
I would suggest you find the IP number of the FTP server.. I was able to install via FTP using the IP number instead of the server name..
Jeff Ivins Au Naturel Productions
Richard Andrews <richard.andrews@otyx.com> wrote: I haven't had any luck either with ftp as an alternative installation source. SuSE 8.2 and with every attempt at installing an FTP site in YaST2 the following error:
"Unable to create installation source from URL 'ftp://ftp.leo.org/pub/suse/i386 etc etc etc. DETAILS: ERROR(InstSrc:E_no_instsrc_on_media)"
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