27 Oct
27 Oct
Was there an announcement on this list that the KDE_42 repositories would be going away? I just noticed they were gone. I normally follow this list closely, but I must have missed it if there was an announcement. I wasn't planning to move to KDE 4.3 until I upgraded this system to oS 11.2. That was going to be either in the week before the official release or in the week after. Unless these repositories are coming back, I guess I'll be moving up my timeline. Are the KDE 4.2 repositories gone for good, or are they just temporarily disappeared? -- Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. ,= ,-_-. =. bss@iguanasuicide.net ((_/)o o(\_)) ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-' http://iguanasuicide.net/ \_/