Hi Matt! Am Samstag, 3. Mai 2003 16:38 schrieb Matt Gibson:
Does anyone know why the QT3 rpm for SuSE 7.2 (in supplementary/updates/... on the ftp servers) doesn't have xft configured? That is, it doesn't seem to have support for antialiased fonts. It took me ages to track down where my nice smooth KDE fonts had gone; eventually I just compiled QT from source...
The reason is, that Xft requires XFree 4.2.0, which is an optional, unsupported update for SuSE 7.2 and 7.3. At the beginning, the QT packages for KDE were built with Xft support. But many people complained about the errors with Xfree < 4.2. And they didn't accept the prerequisite of updating XFree first. So the supporting expense on this list was too high for Adrian from SuSE, so he decided to provide Xft Support not below SuSE 8.0.
As a side-issue, if I've done something like this, i.e. rebuilt QT but am still using the KDE RPMs, does anyone know if there's a way of fudging the RPM database so that it doesn't moan about QT being missing? You know, something that'll tell rpm,"look, it's all right, I've built something that's exactly compatible with this missing RPM, so please stop whining..."
You can rebuild the qt RPM package, so RPM will know that you have all you need. My suggestion is to fetch the QT src.rpm from kde.org: ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/3.1.1a/SuSE/src/qt3-3.1.2-0.src.rpm Make "rpm -ivh qt3-3.1.2-0.src.rpm". Now you have all the files in /usr/src/packages". Now you can edit the files /usr/src/packages/SPECS/qt.spec and /usr/src/packages/SOURCES/build.sh" so that they build with Xft and render support. After that do a "rpm -bb /usr/src/packages/SPECS/qt.spec" and after some time (long time, maybe) you'll have a wonderful SuSE qt rpm package you can install into your system. Greets, Daniel