I gave Mozilla a chance a while ago. and I must agree that it was better than Konq!! Even Netscape 6.x can open sites that Konq can't. I don't know why I use Konq! Maybe its installed by default and sometimes I feel lazy to install the others. Or maybe Konq looks more or less a KDE app. One thing that made me uninstall Netscape was that apt was complaining about some dependency problem for as long as I had Netscape. So I got rid of it. Although I don' t have apt anymore since I reformatted my hard drive. Salman On Monday 19 August 2002 18:22, Ben Rosenberg wrote:
Well, there are some sites that don't understand the useragent string that KDE gives when the server requests it. When a server doesn't grasp what browser your using it can throw Netscape 3.X code at you which can sometimes play havok with Konq. You might try using Mozilla on these sites. I've been using Mozilla since 0.6.0 and the experience has become better with each release. Just because Konq is part of KDE3.X doesn't mean it must be used. Give one of the other 6 browsers for Linux a shot.