Hi, Am Samstag, 3. Februar 2024, 18:10:52 CET schrieb Ulf:
Hi openSUSE-KDE Team,
is there a possibility to add a repo for Plasma 6 RC2?
I would test it on my not productive used Notebook.
So far I've got it in my ~ projects, three are needed: home:Vogtinator:other6 home:Vogtinator:frameworks6 home:Vogtinator:plasma6 Then install pattern:kde_plasma6 and resolve conflicts manually. Due to some OBS slowness it's not built ATM, might take a while until everything is in place to be installable. SRs to the devel project are WIP.
By the way, if I download https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/KDE:/Medias/images/iso/ openSUSE_Krypton.x86_64.iso
According to openQA, krunner is currently unhappy and crashes immediately. Needs some investigation.
The installation brakes after before finished in a kvm/quemu session. (Version from 2024-02-01 at least)
How does it break? Note that the success message at the end will disappear after 10s, so if you leave the installation unattende it might look like it crashed, but it finished normally. Cheers, Fabian
Thanks Ulf