11 Sep
11 Sep
Le Jeudi 11 Septembre 2003 12:18, Mathias Homann a écrit :
Am Donnerstag, 11. September 2003 11:39 schrieb Kevin Donnelly:
I've looked in ~.kde/share/apps, but can't see anything about them.
what exactly do you mean by 'web shortcuts' ?
bye, MH
I think you can find this in directory ~/.kde/share/services/searchproviders I create new shortcut for AltaVista and the following file named "altavista.desktop" was created in the mentioned directory ---- [Desktop Entry] Charset= Hidden=false Keys=av,altavista,a Name=AltaVista Query=http://www.altavista.com/cgi-bin/query?pg=q&kl=XX&stype=stext&q=\\{@} ServiceTypes=SearchProvider Type=Service ---- The shortcup was "a" Hope it will help you Franz