Hi again, after upgraded from KDE 2.x to KDE 3.0.1 (and to X 4.2.0) I have now a very annoying bug that is getting me crazy. I'm spanish and use the spanish keyboard, and have everything configured in KDE Control Panel. In our language, as in some others too, we use quoted characters (á, é, etc) and now I can only see some of them. For example, the quoted 'e' does not appear now, in its place I can see (and print) an strange character, everytime different depending of the previous character, or even no character at all. Some other characters, as, i.e. quoted 'u', is shown different (bigger or smaller, it depends) than the rest of them.... You can see a sample of what I should see and what I see really in the attached bitmap. It's very annoying, since I cannot use any word-processor to write my documents. I have this problem on every KDE (and non-KDE, but running over KDE) application, including code editors, mail clients, etc. The most annoying in this )%(%&/&"·" thing is that in some apps I can see the characters perfectly. If I go to any wordprocessor and try to change the font, I can see in the 'previous' panel (if available) the sample phrases perfectly. I can see the characters if you send me a mail with them, or any document. That's : I can see them if someone (different of me, of course) write them in some place, and I read it. This happens not only with my common user, also with root and every user (two more) on my system. I have tested every font installed on my system (I have xfstt with 50 TTF fonts and some APF fonts too), and now I have configured as keyboard : spanish, country : spain, codepages : tested with iso-8859-1 and iso-8859-15, and my keyboard is a 105-keys (Intl) PC one. Any idea????? Regards Alberto Curro