No, it did not help... V. Dne Po 30. listopadu 2009 13:28:47 Smurfslover napsal(a):
Maybe you need tokill konqueror first and restart it cause Kde defaults to keeping konqueror preloaded after first start. You can setup preloading in the performance section in konqueror's settings.
On Monday 30 November 2009 13:19:26 Vojtěch Zeisek wrote:
Thank You, I changed the settings according to the image, but when I launch Konqueror and I go to menu View | View mode, I see still KHTML... Something is wrong... Vojtěch
Dne Po 30. listopadu 2009 13:08:17 Jan T'Jaeckx napsal(a):
Am Sonntag 29 November 2009 23:50:56 schrieb Vojtěch Zeisek:
Hello, does anybody know how to set Konqueror to use WebKit as default rendering engine for Konqueror instead of KHTML? It is possible to change it only for current tab and it is neccessary to do every startup and opening of new tab, which is very boring... It is possible to change it only in menu View
| View mode, but it does not change default value...
Regards, Vojtěch
In systemsettings navigate to the advanced tab and choose 'File Associations'. Search for html and under 'applications' you'll choose xhtml + xml Navigate to the embedding tab move Webkit to the top. Sreenshot: http://imagebin.ca/view/2aMyCA5.html
Smurfslover -- Vojtěch Zeisek http://www.natur.cuni.cz/~zeisek/ Jabber: vojta.sc@njs.netlab.cz ICQ: 273-557-509 Skype: vojta.sc