The compile worked nicely and 1.12 krusader is installed and works! I didn't have to do anything after installing it either, it just worked.
Wonderful....lucky man :-)
Oh, one thing I did do is issued the commands export KDEDIR=/opt/kde3 and export QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt3 before starting the compile. That way the files know where to go when installing. As a result, there is no /usr/local/kde/share/apps/krusader directory and the program works without having to move any files.
Ok, fine, I did not do the export-commands. This explains, why I had to move the files...nevertheless my krusader works, too.
Nice to have it back, now if we can get the root Konq file manager bug fixed, KDE 3.1 is complete!
Sorry, I've no explanation for that because I don't have the problem. Perhabs there is something like a version conflict. I noticed my konqueror itself saying, he is version 3.1.0, while yast says my kdebase3-konqueror is still 3.0.3-77......creepy. What is the exact error message, if you start it as a normal user from the shell? Daniel