Dne Po 16. listopadu 2009 13:14:30 Martin Schlander napsal(a):
Søndag den 15. november 2009 22:06:41 skrev Vojtěch Zeisek:
I have fresh installation of openSUSE 11.2 and I do not understand one behavior. In KDE Control center I allowed screensaver to start after 3 minutes of not doing anything. In PowerDevil I have settings of Presentation mode turning off all manipulation with screen, power saving and all stuff like this. When I wish to watch a video, I turn PowerDevill do Presentation mode, but screensaver settings is still active and disturbing every 3 minutes. It is strange. In KDE3 PowerManager disallowed start of screensaver in such case, but here not. Is there any way to fix it?
You shouldn't have to mess with powersaving profiles just to watch a video.
In KPowersave there was a black list of applications not allowing to start a screensaver. It worked fine.
I believe it's the job of the videoplayer to stop the screensaver. What player do you use?
It is same with SMplayer and Kaffeine. Best regards, Vojtěch -- Vojtěch Zeisek http://www.natur.cuni.cz/~zeisek/ Jabber: vojta.sc@njs.netlab.cz ICQ: 273-557-509 Skype: vojta.sc