* Oliver Leue (artus-ol@gmx.net) [031010 23:10]:
If you wouldn't like to read or understand or learn german, so please just open a new mailing list just for English speaker.
It's funny, but Chris Malmood said more then a year ago this was a mainly English mailing list. He just didn't put a -e on it. But whatever. Do what you like. My d key works in mutt and it saves me the time of answering a question. ;)
This here is no newsgroup nor is it a mailing list from kde.org. This is just KDE on SuSE and so we absolutely can speak german, because it is the most preferred language in the country of this firm and there customers.
It's kind of interesting that I was at SuSE Inc in Oakland, CA just the other days, so I would call them an international company and I would call your arrogant assumptions quite offensive. In fact just as offensive as asking you to speak bad English and I've been one of "their" customers for years since they are over headquartered over "there" in Germany I guess you are a preferred customer and rate very high with them. ;) Please do keep speaking German so I can delete your email. At you'll get it correct. Question..since Linus invented the kernel and as a result SuSE had something to sell. Should all Linux related email lists be in his native language? -- Ben Rosenberg ---===---===---===--- mailto:ben@whack.org ----- If two men agree on everything, you can be sure that only one of them is doing the thinking.