* simon (simon-pearce@gmx.de) [030928 03:23]:
i am experiencing problems with kde 3.1.4 and qt 3.2.1 the upgrade with apt-get went fine. Up till the point where i started a GTK2 app in my case mozilla-firebird and all i could see was the ugly GTK Theme instead of Geramik. I am sure it is to do with the qt update but i am not sure how to fix this problem and i cannot find any infos on the web about this problem. Under Gentoo i use switch2 to change the GTK2 Theme does a similar app exisit for suse or has anyone got another solution to fix this anonying problem.
Yep. It's way broken. I can get it to display Geramik but thingeramik just doesn't work at all. :/ -- Ben Rosenberg ---===---===---===--- mailto:ben@whack.org ----- If two men agree on everything, you can be sure that only one of them is doing the thinking.