* Basil Chupin (blchupin@tpg.com.au) [030910 07:09]:
Ronny Scho"niger wrote:
i am using kde 3.1.1 on Suse 8.2. I installed Mozilla Thunderbird 0.1 and it looks ugly -> http://www.foxtrott-nb.de/ftpupload/Bildschirmphoto1.png Is there an option to reduce the size of the fonts. Other gtk-apps looks normal.
Did you solve your problem with the font size? As I said, I have a problem with them as well.
Thunderbird and Firebird are GTK2 applications. So if you use the gnome-settings-daemon fix that has been talked about quite a bit on the SuSE Linux English list then you can change all the fonts for the popdowns and what not with the Gnome2 control center. -- Ben Rosenberg ---===---===---===--- mailto:ben@whack.org ----- If two men agree on everything, you can be sure that only one of them is doing the thinking.