On Friday 10 May 2002 02:11, Christopher Mahmood wrote:
Did you notice that the trailer on each message on suse-kde says not to crosspost?
* Patrick (tracerb@sprintmail.com) [020509 17:03]:
Anthony brought up the subject of time/date being wrong on his mails, but my problem is somewhat different. This seems to be a problem that goes back to the 7.1 days! Each time I boot up, the system clock has the wrong time and requires resetting. The bios clock is correct as I have checked that already.
This sounds vaguely familiar...
Going back to a previous mail when the problem showed up back in October 2001, it seems to be a bug in the /etc/rc.d/boot script which will cause the system clock to NOT be set to the hardware clock on boot. The bug has been around for quite some time it seems. The problem was simple in that adding the full path to the hwclock command solved the problem. The solution was to change the CLOCKCMD=hwclock in /etc/rc.d/boot file to CLOCKCMD=/sbin/hwclock and for good measure also adding /sbin/hwclock --hctosys in the /etc/rc.d/boot.local file!
Ah ha! I don't know where you guys are digging this stuff up at but here's my response the last time someone posted this: http://lists.suse.com/archive/suse-linux-e/2002-Mar/0390.html
Hmm... is this related to the following bug: occasionally the timezone from the kicker clock changes to a random value (perhaps time changes too), but only in KDE(!) Killing kicker and restarting it with "kdeinit kicker &" solved the symptom. I've suspected xntpd to be the cause of the bug (without proof). 1. This seems SuSE specific (KDE-2.x) 2. The bug seems to be solved (I recall at least 1 occurrence in KDE-3.0, but I think it was before I've updated my system to the latest packages. Cristopher, I'm curious about your opinion on this :-) Leen