On Wed, 15 Jun 2005 14:47:33 +0200 Michael Schueller <schueller-berlin@gmx.de> wrote:
P.s : I have just tried to upgrade via Yast to kde3.4.1 , and received the same Error. To keep the old Version is not possible ...
But, when you go to
you will get the Version qt3-3.3.4-17 instead of 3.3.4-20. I guess with this on a upgrade should be possible.
The problem then would be that fou4s (which I'm using instead of YOU) will suggest to update to 3.3.4-20 anyway as it's newer than 3.3.4-17. At least that's what I guess. And I don't think it's "clean" to have an update not processed.
So, you can Upgrade your KDE with apt , or, if you don't use apt, you can just download the directory to a local folder, and integrate this folder as a Installation Source in Yast instead of the Supplementary FTP Source ...
Ok, the technical aspects are fully clear to me. Maybe I'm making too much fuss about this ;-) Still think it's a bug in the package that could/should easily be fixed. What I did: I took the SRPM, fixed the *.spec file (which I think should be done centrally) and installed the self-created version. Which except for the dependency is identical to the one provided on the SUSE page. Cheers, Ingo -- Ingo Strauch ---- Registered Linux User #227900 (http://counter.li.org/) GPG Key Fingerprint = DEC8 1B12 9573 6BE7 7A99 C33F 809C 8C2C 772E 66A1 http://www.the-one-brack.org/