Hello opensuse kde users, I'm trying to determine how to upgrade my kde-4.2.3 version (repo KDE4:....:Factory) from some time ago, to kde-4.3.4. It looks like that some packages have been given new names. I think that e.g. kde4-konqueror is now called konqueror. To determine the new names for the packages that are not updated using "zyp up" on my system, is someone willing to run the attached script on his or her kde-4.3.4 system? The script does a query for kde4 related files in /usr/bin for which my 'zyp up' does not find an alternative. I might use 'zyp dup', but than it is still not very predictable what is going to happen. With the output of the rpm query, I would feel more comfortable to upgrade. Thanks in advance! An example of the output is: kde4-kwin - /usr/bin/kwin_rules_dialog: kde4-kwin kde4-kwordquiz - /usr/bin/kwordquiz: kde4-kwordquiz kde4-kwrite - /usr/bin/kwrite: kde4-kwrite kde4-marble - /usr/bin/geodatatest: kde4-marble In this case the 4.2.x (left) and 4.3.4 (right) are the same of course. -- Richard