Hi Developer, I already reported on the topic: "Stop thief, someone has stolen the network manager"! The message was also registered, the loss put the "network manager and entourage" of "Cartman" is also on record. ..... But unfortunately, the "network manager and entourage" is still not shown up. Missing this is for openSUSE 11.3 (32/64bit) in KDF and KR:47! Now again my missing report for the missing objects: Wanted: ↓ Packages for NetworkManager-kde4, plasmoid-networkmanagement etc Seen for the last time? here ↓ https://build.opensuse.org/package/show?package=NetworkManager- kde4&project=KDE%3ADistro%3AFactory and here: ↓ https://build.opensuse.org/package/show?package=NetworkManager- kde4&project=KDE%3ARelease%3A47 What to do with the missing items if found? - Adherence, - do not let go again, - packed as rpm, - distribute in Repos: KDF & KR:47 for openSUSE 11.3 (32/64 Bit) - members notify - missing message delete I thank you in advance for your help in the search for the missing objects! Grüße aus dem Schwabenland, → Uwe, der Linuxsusefan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Die SuS(i)E samt KDE sei mit euch, wo immer ihr auch seid .... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ############## openSUSE Member ##############