On April 6, 2005 03:17 pm, Henk A.M. Weebers wrote:
Op dinsdag 5 april 2005 20:39, schreef Alvin Beach:
On April 5, 2005 03:29 pm, jfweber@bellsouth.net wrote:
On Tuesday 05 April 2005 8:09 am, Charles Philip Chan wrote:
On 2005-04-03 16:22:56 -0400 Henk A.M. Weebers <ham.weebers@hccnet.nl>
Does anybody can tell me how to activate emoticons? I rum Suse 9.2 with kde3.4.
Sigh... It is right there in the configure dialog: "Appearance"-> Message Window"-> "Replace Smileys by Emoticons".
Not in version 3.3.0 it isn't.. or at least it isn't in my copy. Not that I mind.. but perhaps it's only for a later kde than 3.3.0 ???? -- j Just as all the rules in the world cannot insure our survival, neither can they create the impossible. Instead of focussing on an equal place at the starting gate, our laws attempt to rig the finish by *mandating* an equal outcome. This is unachievable. Even more, it is a stultifying thought. C.Crier
According to the change log, emoticons appear only in version 1.8 which only comes with KDE 3.4.
Also, on kmail.kde.org is states that kmail cannot be downloaded by itself. Therefore, one needs to install kde 3.4 in order to get this (and other) features.
-- Alvin Please reply to only this mailing-list. Thanks.
Thanks Alvin, It's a pitty I can see emoticons in mails, but not use them myself.
Oh, I remember reading someone on the kmail website, that emoticons only work when reading emails. They do not show when you are composing the email (like with IM). -- Alvin Please reply to only this mailing-list. Thanks.