Hi all, I have a problem updating from the supplementary/KDE repository. I use ftp.gwdg.de /pub/linux/suse/ftp.suse.com/suse/i386/supplementary/KDE/update_for_9.1 What fails are the QT3 packages: Installing the following 5 package(s): qt3-3.3.4-20.i586.rpm qt3-devel-3.3.4-20.i586.rpm qt3-devel-doc-3.3.4-20.i586.rpm qt3-devel-tools-3.3.4-20.i586.rpm qt3-static-3.3.4-19.i586.rpm ************************ * ERROR: Update failed * ************************ error: Failed dependencies: xorg-x11-Mesa-devel is needed by qt3-devel-3.3.4-20 I don't know how to resolve this. It seems to me like a bug as SuSE 9.1 came with XFree, not X.org. XFree86-Mesa-devel is installed on my system. I don't feel too happy to install with --nodeps but would prefer if the dependency could be fixed (or is the policy to upgrade XFree to X.org also for older SuSE versions?). Cheers, Ingo -- Ingo Strauch ---- Registered Linux User #227900 (http://counter.li.org/) GPG Key Fingerprint = DEC8 1B12 9573 6BE7 7A99 C33F 809C 8C2C 772E 66A1 http://www.the-one-brack.org/