Sorry, red the announcement too late that this list is only in English. I will try to translate the text although my English is not very good. Yesterday evening a problem with KDE 3.0 (SuSE 8.0) appeared, that it only provided English as standart-language. Before I could open the most programs providing german text. I tried to restore the old settings In the controlcenter back to german, but it had no effect. Even after restarting the X-server everything stayed in English. The problem appeared, as I lauched YaST2, to install a new package. But the program crashed somehow. Not that I could not kill it, but nothing happened for a very long time. I tried it without X in a console and there nothing happened, too. But after exiting the program with Ctrl-C, an errormessage appeared, telling me, a share, mounted from another computer wasn't available any more. May be this has to do something with it. What can I do, to change the standart-language back from English to German? Thank you, Michael