I'm running SuSE 8.0, gnupg 1.0.6, Kmail 1.4 and KDE 3.0.0 on some of my desktops and wanted to upgrade to the Star Office 6.0 that is sold as a patch/update CD specifically for SuSE 8.0. After updating the Star Office and the patches which includes KDE 3.0.1 I am unable to encrypt email with gpg under kmail. I can decrypt incoming but have lost the ability to encrypt outgoing maill. The lock icon is hazed out etc. I had to start over on that particular machine...the encryption is mission critical for me. So I put it all back to 8.0 stock out of the box....installed only the Star Office 6.0 update from the CD and everything is fine. So, I'm guessing that it's something to do with the KDE update. Anybody know how to fix that? I would like to do the 3.0.1 KDE update if I could make it work. -- Regards, Richard Saint Clair, Co-Founder Technical Manager Internet Users Society Niue Chairman, Pacific Island Chapter ISOC -------------------------------------------- stclair@niue.nu www.niue.nu Voice (68 3) 4630 Fax (68 3) 4237 Internet Service Provider, Niue Island -------------------------------------------- ISP/C, ISOC, APIA, NCOC, ISOCNZ, PICISOC, ARRL -------------------------------------------- Niue Island South Pacific 169 West 19 South