On Saturday 05 of October 2013 20:24:08 Basil Chupin wrote:
In the first instance, do you have alsamixer installed and have you used it to configure your sound card/chip and the channels? Until you do this you won't get any sound. Why that? I am using factory, and as far as i recall, i never needed to utilize alsamixer to get some music on ;-) At least from Felixes description, it seems he is using PA.
Secondly, if you want to get a working version of VLC then install it from-
videolan.org/pub/vlc/SuSE/Factory The one in Beta #1 is - ahem.... - well...... just install the one from videolan.org. Also, why that? What is wrong with the vlc package? Only possible missing thing is the codecs package, which is an aditional package on top of the (lib)vlc ones from standard repos.