Well, the filesystem package doesn't exist for SuSE 8.0. So that means: If you want to install a package that needs the package "filesystem", then this package was not for SuSE 8.0 either. So you can: 1. try such unofficial filesystem package like you described (but don't blame anyone) 2. You can try to install without the package "filesystem", perhaps it works. 3. You can try to find the wanted package in a version built for SuSE 8.0 Daniel Am Mittwoch, 14. Januar 2004 20:36 schrieb Kai Andresen:
That is exactly what I thought, but there is no such package. In fact searching on the SuSE-CDs for a rpm with "filesystem" in its name does result in no results at all. Searching rpmfind produced filesystem-rpms for SuSE 8.1 and newer, but not for 8.0 (and my experiences with using 8.1-rpms are not too good...) BUT: On rpm.pbone.net I found other such packages, label with 8.x. So I gave it a try and it seems to be working properly :-)
Am Mittwoch, 14. Januar 2004 20:10 schrieb Daniel Eckl:
If rpm tells you something is needed, then it mostly speaks of rpm packages.
So if rpm tells you to install filesystem, then it doesn't mean you have to install a special real filesystem like reiser or xfs or something, but it wants you to install the rpm package neamed filesystem.
So start up yast, search for this package and install it from your CD's / DVDs / FTP Servers etc.
Greets, Daniel