On Monday 06 September 2004 11:38 am, Bojan Hribernik wrote:
Why not just get the rpm for RP10 and let it handle all this? Once installed, just tell Konqueror to scan for new plugins and you are done!
Lee -- --- KMail v1.7 --- SuSE Linux Pro v9.1 --- Registered Linux User #225206 Those Who Dance Are Considered Insane, by Those That Cannot Hear the Music!
I installed the RP10 rpm.
FIREFOX (it works after linking both nphelix files): http://freeweb.siol.net/bhriber4/plugins/rp1.png
KONQUEROR (it doesn't work): http://freeweb.siol.net/bhriber4/plugins/rp2.png
ABOUT:PLUGINS in konqueror shows nphelix.so installed http://freeweb.siol.net/bhriber4/plugins/rp3.png
CONFIGURATION PANEL (plugin is installed): http://freeweb.siol.net/bhriber4/plugins/rp4.png
... no idea why it doesn't work.
Has anyone been able to get the rp10 plugin to work with Konqueror, not just Firefox/Mozilla?
Bojan ==========
Bojan, Not sure why it's not working for you, I didn't have any problems with Konqueror using the new player. Did you go into Konq's settings and have it search for new plugins? Once it's installed for Mozilla, from the rpm file, there is nothing else to do for Konq, except to tell it to search for new plugins. Did you check to see if you were getting a conflict from the old RP in the listed plugins? Is it possible that both are still installed and trying to be used? Konq doesn't handle plugins like Moz/Firefox does, so don't put plugins all over the place, as Konq will look there, possibly causing conflicts. If all is well with Konq finding the plugin, then it may just be a simple matter of file associations. Try to locate or determine what type of file is being used from the site then search for that file association. Make sure you have it set to run in the embedded viewer! Hopefully that will help. Lee -- --- KMail v1.7 --- SuSE Linux Pro v9.1 --- Registered Linux User #225206 Those Who Dance Are Considered Insane, by Those That Cannot Hear the Music!