Hi Will, Thanks for getting this started. On Lunes, 23 de Agosto de 2010 08:43:15 Will Stephenson escribió:
This is to hammer out the details of the stable KDE 4.5 repo
a) Naming
I don't think this should go under top level KDE: since we will have other versions. Perhaps KDE:SC:45 or KDE:Release:45?
KDE:SC:45 sounds as it KDE:Unstable:SC should be named "KDE:SC:Unstable" :-P Anyways, I like KDE:SC:45. What about openSUSE patches in this repo?
a.a) Open-PC repo
Since at some point we will no longer need KDE:SC:45, but I assume Open- PC will need to still have it for the livecycle of the product, I suggest that Open-PC creates a second repo under their namespace that is a symlink (Adrian can do this) to KDE:SC:45. When we EOL KDE:SC:45, we can replace the symlink with its contents and Open-PC users see no interruption.
So spins:open-pc:kde (for instance) could point at the KDE 4.5 repo and once it's EOL'ed, it could be changed to point at the appropriate repo containing the the latest stable release of KDE. In other words: spins:open-pc:kde -> KDE:SC:45 and KDE:SC:45 -> KDF (not always, only good builds). Maybe it's better to have separate repos; ie: spins:open-pc:kde45 and spins:open-pc:kde46
b) How to implement it
Fixed link revs with osc setlinkrev seem to be the obvious solution but there is a bug with this - when the linked-to repo submits to its upstream (openSUSE:Factory) and is synced back to o:F, the existing links break. I need to check this out with Adrian; Lubos has shown me how to reproduce this.
In the meantime linking everything to KDF and disabling build/publish once there is a known good build should be sufficient
OK. Why don't we vote for the name and start working on it? :-)
c) Update frequency/policy
This is a question for the maintainers. Options:
*) On KDE bugfix release (4.5.1 etc) This seems safe but remember that the Akonadi PIM port is still planned to be released with 4.5, even if this is being pushed back. I am not sure that a major change to the PIM stack as an update is what Open-PC users want *) Arbitrary updates as decided by maintainers. This would allow 'good builds' to go out as updates without surprises like Akonadi PIM.
Perhaps we could test changes like this one in K:D:F before moving to the KDE 4.5.x repo. That way we would also help with K:D:F :-) Cheers, -- Javier Llorente