On Monday 29 March 2004 12:10, Brockamp@tlt.ilt.fhg.de wrote:
Hi @ll,
Leendert Meyer <leen.meyer@home.nl> schrieb am 26.03.2004 19:01:16:
Maybe you can set this in the BIOS-Options.
Probably yes, but that was not what Peter wanted.
You're right. I've written that already, BIOS is not the point, as Linux (as most other OS) will set Num Lock on its own.
I got no reaction from Peter so I tried it, with 'NumLock=on' in kdmrc:
1) BIOS numlock = off 2) During Graphical login (KDM) numlock = ON 3) In KDE numlock = off
1) Well, as mentioned, I think BIOS is irrelevant here. 2) is what I was interested in. 3) I want that on, too, but that can be configured from within the normal KDE config panels, found&know that already. I'm a bit slow in replying because I'm a lot away on business and I have to check all settings on my machine at home, means there's no quick testing possible for me, sorry for that. The point why you didn't get any "works"/"works not" reply thus is that I simple didn't find the time to test it yet :-(
Well, thanks for replying ;)
WIll do it this evening though - hopefully... ;-)
Yeah, I know ;) Cheers, Leen