Wolfgang Bauer composed on 2015-09-06 13:27 (UTC+0200):
Felix Miata composed:
Again, it looks like broken dependency, something that worked prior to zypper up that no longer would until ascertaining what got lost, what's involved to recover and doing whatever is required.
That's not an answer to my question.
I already told you what package you need for Plasma 5.
For KDE4 the situation is as follows: As I already wrote, kdeartwork4-desktopthemes is not needed and totally unrelated to the window decorations.
kdeartwork4-decorations does contain (additional, optional) window decorations, but it is not needed either (unless you configured kwin to use one of those). It's not even installed in a standard 13.2 KDE(4) installation.
The default window decoration ("Oxygen") is in kdebase4-workspace- liboxygenstyle. (and KDE3's default "Plastik" is even part of the kwin package itself) kdebase4-workspace-liboxygenstyle is *required* by kwin, so you cannot really end up without it (unless you break dependencies). The problem you probably had/have IMHO, is that kwin itself is not required by anything but the KDE4 pattern (which I think does not exist any more in Tumbleweed). It is only recommended by kdebase4-workspace (which contains the desktop). So you probably (or quite certainly I think) didn't even have kwin, the KDE4 window manager, installed, which of course means *no* window decorations (and no managed windows at all).
I'm not sure this can be regarded as bug or wrong dependencies though, as the KDE4 desktop can also be used with a different window manager. And as the KDE4 desktop is not supported at all in Tumbleweed any more, you are on your own there, in particular if you prevent the installation of recommended packages.
I may have stumbled onto a clue as to what has been going on. On host a-865, last updated about 3 months ago, and with both KDE3 and KDE4 installed, I did a zypper up with most KDE4 packages locked. When up finished I opened what I thought would a KDE3 session with startx, and got a normal looking KDE4 Elarun session, with Konsole>3 restored from previous session. I quit that session, started KDM3/graphical.target, and opened a KDE3 session, with Konsole3 restored. That too seemed normal. I unlocked most KDE4 packages, did zypper up, quit the session, and started a KDE4 session. That opened a very different Konsole>3, ugly black background instead of remembering I had it previously configured white, and with no window decorations. After fixing background I hit Alt-F4, mistakenly thinking it was the move window hotkey, which closed Konsole>3. On reopening Konsole>3 from the menu, it had window decorations. Normal procedure here is to rarely close any Konsole session purposely. All Konsole sessions lacking decorations in this thread, until this, were auto reopened on session start. I restarted last host with this behavior, t2240, zypper rm kdeartwork4, startx, expecting Konsole>3 to auto reopen, with decorations, but it didn't auto reopen. It did open from menu, with decorations. On session exit and reopen, again Konsole>3 failed to auto reopen, so here apparently is yet another feature loss in KDE>3, at least in TW. Fedora 23's current 15.04.03/5.13.0/5.4.0 does auto reopen Konsole on session start. -- "The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation) Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks! Felix Miata *** http://fm.no-ip.com/ -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-kde+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse-kde+owner@opensuse.org