-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Am Donnerstag, 28. August 2003 13:31 schrieb Jim MacLeod:
Do SuSE have available an rpm of spamassassin? I'm using 8.2 Home and it's not on the cd. Being a relative newbie I downloaded the tar file from www.spam..etc but that requires perl modules to be installed as well which is a new learning curve for me.
I only have SuSE 8.2 Pro, it comes with SpamAssassin on CD 4. However, I first installed SpamAssassin when I was running SuSE 8.0 and I completely installed it using CPAN (perl). And I never spoke perl before. And I don't speak perl now ;-). It wasn't easy, but the result was worth all the learning. Check the INSTALL file that comes with SpamAssassin. Most of the required perl modules come with SuSE 8.2 (at least in the Pro version). If you don't have them on your CDs, most modules can be installed using perl -MCPAN -e shell [as root] o conf prerequisites_policy ask install <module name> install <next module> quit [to exit perl] eg. install ExtUtils::MakeMaker install File::Spec ... install Mail::SpamAssassin Ciao, Oliver -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.2-rc1-SuSE (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQE/TfaF2xKg64Yci0URAtgmAJ9iZF7whpnGUVKmc7MSXboCXtsJAwCfcIbk +wW+5Nb83uk8QHXcizT5rhc= =EL0z -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----