Hello all, I just purchased suse 9.3 and I am doing a fresh install. Everything has gone well except for decrypting email. I have kgpg running and all setup (all private and public keys imported, etc.) I have kmail setup and I can send and retrieve email. However, when I receive an encrypt email, Kmail says that my passphrase is bad. But it didn't ask. Kmail does work for checking the signature of email (but only if they are not encrypted). Kmail does ask for my passphrase when I can send encrypted email. I find this very frustrating. I am upgrading from suse 9.1 which setting up gpg in kmail was done in 2 minutes! I have been souring the web and finding things to try (like starting gpg-agent?) but nothing is working. Anyone on this list find a solution for suse 9.3? Thanks, Alvin -- Please reply to only this mailing-list so others can take part as well. Thanks.