Am Sonntag, 29. Januar 2012, 16:34:42 schrieb Basil Chupin:
One of the great things about Linux is the variety of choices one has in using what one's heart desires.
And the really great thing about openSUSE is this vast choice which one gets to select from when one wants to install something.
Take for example the choice of repos when one comes to, say, something like KDE. There is the Factory repo. There is the Unstable repo. And there is Stable repo. Not to mention the Playground repo. Oh, I missed the SC repo.
All good stuff.
But what do they REALLY mean to the man in the street? SFA really.
I am reading that KDE 4.8 has been officially released but as yet has not quite reached openSUSE repo(s) [something about being built, or something].
Would it be presumptuous of me to ask the powers-to-be to please clearly announce when KDE 4.8 becomes available and announce in, say, opensuse-announce and even in this mail list but to also CLEARLY state what the repos are and should be added to Software Management repository list to be able to upgrade one's (12.1 system, now running KDE 4.7) to KDE 4.8?
Pretty please?
But with another condition as an addendum: none of this KFC, CIA, ABC. et al local, gooblydook, jargon abbreviations but real, true to life, list of all the repositories required to get the job done such as (picked out of thin air): [EXAMPLE ONLY!]
OK? Is it a deal?
+1 in all points! I wrote it in another thread here on the list even once. Not only did I find this whole deal with the repositories for KDE no longer traceable. I mean that I can even understand yet (at least until yesterday ;-) ), but other users are not the user rather than active participants (wiki, etc). This ranges from the duplicate repos, to the lack of official announcement when a repo equipped and ready for users is usable. Especially with the release of the repos for a release. Example on the upstream repos (release 48) could again observe very good as it should not go. Repo is public even before the packages were built completely finished. Shortly after the first packages of 4.8 in the repos were, have already appeared in the first user forums, and have complained that the system would have destroyed their repos. That would have been avoided if all that is released upstream (4.8) when all packages are fully assembled. A classic example how it should proceed. Clearly we need people to test the whole thing. But perhaps you can do this with interested members of the KDE project. If the "chosen" to get the access is not public, can then test if the installation is running correctly, can resolve all dependencies, and a general ability to run is given. Then everything is correct and it works, you can then publish the repos. You have to get away get away faster and faster and more superficial. So you look at the dirty reputation. Better is better to wait a day longer and stable material but on the computer. Unfortunately, my objections were ignored rather quickly, or are lost in the jungle thread. But maybe it was just the bad English. Regardless, it is long overdue sort out these repos is jungle at the KDE project. Clarity prevents incorrect use and therefore the error caused by improperly used repos. Sometimes less can be more .... this also applies to repository! Thanks for doing! -- °/° Grüße aus dem Schwabenland, °\° gewünscht & gesendet von Linuxsusefan, ^/^ openSUSE Member, ~ die_"SuS(i)E"_sei_mit_euch,_wo_immer_ihr_seid!