17 Apr
17 Apr
Dne pondělí 16. dubna 2018 18:27:06 CEST, Wolfgang Bauer napsal(a):
Am Montag, 16. April 2018, 16:24:26 schrieb Vojtěch Zeisek:
I think you need to enable the "Expert plugin" in kmail's settings.
List of the plugins is empty. This doesn't seem to be doing anything ATM.
Hm, the list should *not* be empty, if kdepim-addons is installed at least (which is *required* by the kmail package).
Sure you looked at the right place? Configure KMail->Plugins
Sorry, I confused "expert" and "external" and forgot to answer yesterday... -- Vojtěch Zeisek https://trapa.cz/