Am Sonntag, 29. Januar 2012, 16:14:59 schrieb phanisvara das:
On Sun, 29 Jan 2012 15:35:05 +0530, Martin Schlander
<> wrote:
Søndag den 29. januar 2012 16:34:42 Basil Chupin skrev:
But what do they REALLY mean to the man in the street? SFA really.
Would it be presumptuous of me to ask the powers-to-be to please clearly announce when KDE 4.8 becomes available and announce in, say, opensuse-announce and even in this mail list but to also CLEARLY state what the repos are and should be added to Software Management repository list to be able to upgrade one's (12.1 system, now running KDE 4.7) to KDE 4.8?
That old song again?
The man in the street has no interest in playing around with unsupported, untested KDE packages, risking to break his system.
That is for geeks and enthusiasts. And if you can't decipher the darn wiki page which has been mentioned and explained on this list a million times at least, then you should probably just stop playing with those repos yourself.
there's millions of warnings on the forums, which seem to be the prefered place for users with not so much experience & knowledge, to go for advice, NOT to use experimental repos, or any repos except the basic ones (non/OSS, update, packman).
this is open source, means the source and compiled builds are available to all. you don't have to lock away everything that isn't guaranteed to work perfectly. let those who enjoy fiddling around and testing new stuff use additional or alternative repos, and those who expect everything to work out of the box stick to the basic ones.
re. better explanation, that's open for anybody to add to the wikis. personally i'm quite happy with the oS KDE repos as they are and don't have any problems finding the correct ones. at the moment in don't have time to get into the technics and/or politics of wiki editing here, but i hope that at some point that will change.
So, we say that the users will soon be better to use these repos? How we do it then? Should I in German → Wiki → KDE repos: Release: 48 make a note: "Hands off, only to developers"? Or then I read in my blog: "openSUSE is great, but was published only with KDE The 12.1 Oh by the way, let's just stay away from KDE upstream repositories only for developers or enthusiasts.." -- °/° Grüße aus dem Schwabenland, °\° gewünscht & gesendet von Linuxsusefan, ^/^ openSUSE Member, ~ die_"SuS(i)E"_sei_mit_euch,_wo_immer_ihr_seid!