2 Apr
2 Apr
Saturday, 01 April 2006 18:26 samaye, Christian Fröbel alekhiit:
The selection of fonts I get when I click "Choose" are always the same--except for "Fixed Width". There, among others, especially that font is missing which I want to choose: "SuSE Sans Mono". Does anyone know why it is filtered out there and how I can work around it?
This is a WORKSFORME on SUSE 10.0 with KDE 3.52. Don't remember having had this problem on KDE 3.42, KDE 3.5 or KDE 3.51. Check whether other monospace fonts like Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, Dejavu Sans Mono, Adobe Courier, Misc Console etc are available or not. -- Tux #395953 resides at http://samvit.org playing with KDE 3.52 on SUSE Linux 10.0 $ date [] CCE +2006-04-02 W13-7 UTC+0530