Hi Nils, hi everybody, I well understood that! Further more in the text, I explained what appends not typing "^C" but "xterm -display :1" instead. As far as I understand, your mail means that this does not work on Suse 10.0. Would someone have an idea on the reason why ? Could it come from a (some how) "bad" upgrade of my Suse 9.2 (I made a misteak writing the NB). For exemple, on the remote machine, I upgraded from 9.2 to 10.0, and overthere, the user has now systematicaly a non fatal X error while rebooting the computer: somethink saying that there is allready a X server running. Life stay so, as long as the error is not fatal. Best regards, Patrick ------------------------------------------------------ Le Vendredi 31 Mars 2006 12:17, Nils Kassube a écrit :
Hi Patrick,
Don't type ^C but switch to display :1. There should be an xterm running, but only until you type ^C on display :0. That worked here with 2 machines both running SUSE 9.2.
Regards, Nils