On Saturday 11 October 2003 09:52, Mathias Homann wrote:
Oliver Leue wrote:
Am Freitag, 10. Oktober 2003 20:13 schrieb Michael Eichstädt:
Hi everybody, please keep in mind: this is an english list!http://dc.pinkusart.com/sets/may/17/
interesting link, dude. was not in the original post. now where did that come from?
;) [MH] Ouch - someone caught with their trousers down perhaps...
BTW just to put my 2 cents in I can't understand what the fuss is about with this language thing. I follow other lists where multiple languages are used and if you don't speak the language of the post you simply don't read it. Once traffic gets high enough in one language there is usually a separate list opened up - which hasn't occurred on suse-kde yet. So what's the problem. Just chill out about it until it does. My advice - write in your language of choice - if traffic gets high enough in a different language, SuSe will open a separate language specific forum. Or maybe they'll just recognise the eternal repetition of this pathetic "This is an ENGLISH list" discussion and open a separate forum for This-is-an-english-list-no-it-isn't-yes-it-is. PLEASE get back to the original point of this forum - suse-kde support and, most importantly, in the spirit of KDE - international. I am an English speaker and am ashamed of the arrogance of my fellow English speakers in their assumptions that all must write to THIS newsgroup in English. Who are we to possess this support portal for English speakers and assume that the German speakers must translate their messages? It is exactly those English-language puritans who will then turn around and criticize the foreign language speaker for bad grammar - eg "their" instead of "there". You should be bloody well ashamed of yourselves and your small-mindedness. The SuSe description for this newsgroup reads: "suse-kde - Discussions about installing and using KDE on SUSE LINUX " How dare we then get cross at someone for posting in their language if there isn't any obvious indication that this is an English-only list. Someone could post here in Japanese with impunity if they wanted (they probably would wait a while for an answer though). So much wasted bandwidth on a such a useless discussion - and what really ticks me off is the fact that I am now contributing to it. Blast! Lets get back to the orignal program please.. Regards and Tchuess, Richard