On Wed 8 May 2002 21:53, dh wrote:
On Wednesday 08 May 2002 01:39 pm, del wrote:
Hi Folks, Is there a way to set the programs in the Autostart folder to open in a specified desktop, Suse 8.0? E.G. KMail to desktop 2 and KNode to desktop 3. Thanks,
On 7.2 (kde2.2.2) I just leave the applications open (or iconified) when I log off and check the save session box in the logout requester. (This can also be preset in kcontrolcenter).
I have used save session but it doesn't allow the xconsole, system messages/log?, on desktop 1 to open and I find it useful to keep an eye on. Is there a way to have the xconsole restart after a saved session KDE logout or should I just start an xterm and tail -f /var/log/whatever as root?
One thing I've found is that kmail always opens its window when I log back in while knode will stay iconified if it was iconified when I logged out.
Never minimised the windows to notice that. One thing I've noticed with KNode is that it'll save it's window position on the desktop when it's closed and reopened. KMail will always go to top left or smart placement position if there are other windows open. Thanks and apologies to dh, didn't mean to reply to your good self at all only to the list. -- del 8-) http://www.diverdel.org.uk/