Chuck, On Friday 20 May 2005 20:52, chuck holland wrote:
Has anyone had problems getting kweather to work with 9.3....I get a message that says station doesnt exit and the date on the report is year 2002.
There seems to be some kind of race condition in the kweatherreport / kweatherservice start-up processing. It existed in 9.1 and remains in 9.3. The first time you start kweatherreport it in turn starts up kweatherservice. Sometimes kweatherservice doesn't get the information for the selected reporting station by the time kweatherreport queries it and you get a bogus message. E.g., just now it told me the station nearest me "reports that it needs maintenance." Closing the report window and immediately re-launching kweatherreport produced a proper display. I could reproduce this by manually killing kweatherservice and re-running kweatherreport. Kweatherservice keeps running even after you close all the kweatherreport windows. Ultimately, I created a script that starts kweatherservice explicitly, sleeps one second and then starts kweatherreport. When kweatherreport quits, it kills kweatherservice. Here it is: -==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==- #!/bin/bash --norc kweatherservice; sleep 1.0 kweatherreport "$@" killproc kweatherservice 2>/dev/null -==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==-
Randall Schulz