2009/10/24 Sascha 'saigkill' Manns <samannsml@directbox.com>:
Hello Mates,
i've created an new Package from Skrooge. But i need an external Tester. And it would be great if anyone can test the following: ----------------------------------------------- Repo: KDE:KDE4:Community -----------------------------------------------
1.) If you select skrooge have you an automatic Selection for the skrooge-lib and skrooge-lang Subpackage? 2.) Start skrooge 3.) After skrooge launch, can you see the Component Chooser on the left Side? Is that an empty or filled Box? 4.) If you see an empty Box, please close skrooge and type "kbuildsyscoca4" in the Console and make an restart. See you now an filled Component Chooser?
It works as expected, without any need to run kbuildsyscoca4, on openSUSE 11.1 + KDE:43. Still, - Requires: %{name}-libs? I don't think it should be there. rpmlint probably would complain if "explicit-lib-dependency" wasn't filtered (there are 8 filters, is all that neccesarry?). There is any other package using skrooge libs? If there isn't I don't think they should be splitted from the main package. - Requires: %{name}-lang? Someone is going to have to explain this one to me. The "%lang_package" in my 11.1 system has "Supplements: packageand(bundle-lang-other:%{-n:%{-n*}}%{!-n:%{name}})". So, if use an "uncommon" language I will have a weak dependency that will make the -lang package to be automatically installed, but if I use spanish or french the -lang packages will not be installed automatically. WHY???!!!??? The funny thing is that is more probably that the -lang package includes a translation to spanish or french than to an "uncommon" language. So... are we supposed to add this "Requires: %{name}-lang"? - "Obsoletes: %{name} < %{version}-%{release}" and ""Provides: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}" Isn't this obvious/implicit? Notice rpmlint complains with: "skrooge.x86_64: W: obsolete-on-name skrooge-devel.x86_64: W: obsolete-on-name skrooge-libs.x86_64: W: obsolete-on-name A package should not obsolete itself, as it can cause weird errors in tools." - %debug_package Why is skrooge special here? This probably should be set through the Build Service. - Requires: libofx Once again this is a "explicit-lib-dependency". - The -devel package "Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}" Probably should require %{name}-libs. Still the -devel package only includes the .so symlinks, without any header. From only looking at your spec file I don't think other apps are supposed to link against skrooge libraries, so there should not be any -devel package. - export CFLAGS="%{optflags}" This is already set by the %cmake_kde4 macro - desktop-file-validate It's my understanding that this is already done by a post-build/rpmlint/whatever check -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-kde+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-kde+help@opensuse.org