Hi Dirk, hi every body, Thank you for your respons, Dirk. I followd quick the link you gave. I will certainely trye it, but at the moment, I have a real harware problem. I left my usual 9 months old machin and used an older slower one. Disks, IDE contoller, CPU... big sh.. Unabled to start the Suse 9.2 DVD rescue linux nor Debian install DVD! And the worst: the old second boot MS W2000 is running anyway, explorer crash but runs after restart. What a mess. I keep this abelity in mind and will give the result of my tries on the list ASAP. Sincerly, Patrick ---------------------------------------------------- Le Mardi 04 Avril 2006 12:53, Dirk Osswald a écrit :
Just an idea:
... do i get you right, that switching to :0 and back to :1 after calling X -ac :1 & doing nothing else inbetween kills the xserver on :1 ? you can check that with ps ax | grep X
if this is the case then there might be a problem with your general graphics setup. maybe you can find some info in /var/log/Xorg.1.log ...
To check this maybe you can try the Xnest X server. This one starts an X11 server inside the existing (correctly running) server, see http://www.xfree86.org/4.2.0/Xnest.1.html Start Xnest instead of your full featured :1 server and redirect your remote X11 requests to that X11 server
With this you can check if it is some hardware related problem of your local full featured X11 server or some software related authentication problem...
Greetings, Dirk.