Thank you. I'm in the same position, i.e. I have upgraded continuously through 9.x and now to 10.0. /Lennart torsdag 26 januari 2006 16:33 skrev Randall R Schulz:
On Thursday 26 January 2006 07:19, Lennart Börjeson wrote:
Yes. This is what I have:
So suseplugger is installed, runs, yet nothing happens...
I don't know why, but this appears to be the way it works on 10.0.
I see it when I, say, insert certain kinds of external media, such as various kinds of CD / DVD media. Then it will ask me what to do with it (play audio, execute auto-run file, launch K3b and so on).
But there's no tray icon visible ever.
Perhaps this is a bug. It's conceivable it's happening because when I installed 10.0, I kept the same home directory (including ~/.kde) that I had on SuSE 9.1, SuSE 9.3 and now 10.0.
Randall Schulz
-- !++ ! Lennart Börjeson ! Partner, Developer ! Cinnober Financial Technology AB ! Industrigatan 2A ! S-112 46 STOCKHOLM ! Sverige/Sweden/Schweden/Suède ! ! phone:+46-8-50304717 ! gsm:+46-70-3394717 ! fax:+46-8-50304701 ! !--