Hi, I'm running SuSE 8.1, but have upgraded KDE and XFree with the SuSE RPMs. I now have XFree 4.3.0 and KDE 3.1.4 Since upgrading to KDE 3.1.x Konqueror has had trouble displaying text on certain websites. An example of this is http://www.kdevelop.org. Just before the stylesheet loads, all of the text renders, but as soon as the stylesheet is applied all the text disappears and the HTML page increases massively in width. I can select the invisible text and it seems like the characters are all spaced out, which is what causes the page to become very wide. Opera 7.21 (Shared) QT displays all such pages ok, so I don't think it's a X Windows problem. I think it is something to do with how it substitutes fonts when QT cannot match the font family exactly with a font from the available list. I have tried a few different settings with qtconfig, but nothing seems to work, except turning QT's anti-aliasing off. Then all fonts display in Konqueror, but of course they all look horrible. Has anyone else experienced this? Any clues as to what config I need to change to fix it? TIA -- Colin Pinkney http://www.cpinkney.org.uk