On Saturday 05 of October 2013 02:29:12 Felix Miata wrote:
I have at least two 13.1B1/KDE4 systems with Intel audio and no sounds from KDE, in spite of phonon-backend-vlc-0.6.80 being installed. YaST2 does play a test sound. Kmix shows two sliders described as for "Built-In Audio Analog Stereo". Shortly after login, a window pops up saying "Phonon's VLC backend failed to start". Can sound from KDE in 13.1B1 currently be made to work with without gstreamer*? Some weeks ago I remember reading here or on Factory list that gstreamer backend was broken. I don't see much point in installing gstreamer* on a system that's going to have VLC regardless.
Does http://fm.no-ip.com/Tmp/SUSE/xsession-errors-gx270-os131b1.txt help? OK, had a better look at this one now: [0x85dc9d8] main libvlc error: No plugins found! Check your VLC installation. PHONON-VLC [07;31m[FATAL__][00;39m libVLC: could not initialize
As i suggested, does installing vlc-nox helps?